Infertility can't be identified as a one-sided problem against women the problem of male infertility stands to be prevalent in many infertility cases. To find out how male infertility represents the most significant infertility problem along with the related causes and treatments at Fertility Point, have a read through this post with us. Male Infertility treatment in Kenya we strive to stay with you from the beginning all through your pathway to parenthood.


Understanding Male Infertility


Male infertility is the result of various causes ranging from lifestyle factors and environmental exposures to underlying medical conditions. Amongst the common problems of infertility in males, it is common to find problems that are linked with sperm quality and quantity. A condition referred to as oligospermia is characterized by low sperm count. In most instances, it tends to be the main culprit.


We, at Fertility Point, believe in a sensitive approach to addressing infertility issues in individuals. The whole scenario is discussed with each patient to form an individualized diagnosis and treatment plan. Our Male Infertility Treatment in Kenya is focused on the underlying cause and addresses them accordingly to find effective solutions.


The Most Common Infertility Problem in Males: Low Sperm Count


When asked what is the most common infertility problem in males, low sperm count is number one. Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, refers to when the number of sperm present in a man's ejaculate is lower than normal. This sometimes affects fertility because it may make it less likely for the sperm to meet the egg to fertilize.


Factors Contributing to Low Sperm Count


There are several reasons for low sperm count, among which are:

(i) Genetic and Hormonal Imbalances: Genes and hormonal imbalances could be factors causing the imbalance of sperm.

(ii) Varicocele: A common condition that involves the enlargement of veins within the scrotum, leading to decreased sperm production and quality.

(iii) Lifestyle Factors: Poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and exposure to environmental toxins can all negatively impact sperm count.

(iv) Medical Conditions: Some infections, injuries, or chronic medical conditions can also lead to low sperm count.

Understanding what is the most common cause of infertility among males is the first step toward proper treatment. Fertility Point provides a complete assessment for low sperm count and thus devises an appropriate strategy accordingly.


Treatment Options and Personalized Care


It requires an integration of several approaches to treat low sperm count. The treatments offered may vary depending on the causes, and we offer our clients a variety of solutions through Male Infertility Treatment in Kenya at Fertility Point. These include:

(i) Lifestyle Interventions: Dietary quality can be optimized, alcohol consumption decreased, smoking habits stopped, and exposure to environmental toxins lowered.

(ii) Medical Treatments: Hormonal therapies, medications, or surgery (in cases such as varicocele repair) can improve sperm production and quality.

(iii) Assisted Reproductive Techniques: In the case of a couple who continues to experience problems, intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization might be suggested to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

At Fertility Point, we take pride in an experienced team guided all the way to ensure treatment with you. No two cases of male infertility are the same, and we focus all our strengths on getting you to the right Male Infertility Treatment in Kenya.


Why Choose Fertility Point?


At Fertility Point, we pride ourselves on our personalized approach and cutting-edge technology. If you ask what is the most common infertility problem in males, know that you are not alone. Our dedicated specialists are here to help you understand your diagnosis and explore effective treatment options.

(i) Expertise: Our fertility experts have a lot of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, with special emphasis on conditions such as low sperm count.

(ii) Latest Facilities: State-of-the-art facilities are availed, and by employing the latest in technological firms and treatment protocols, we guarantee you the best care.

(iii) Compassionate Care: We are aware that infertility can be an emotionally challenging issue. Our team offers supportive counseling and guidance during your journey.

If you are looking for Male Infertility Treatment in Kenya, Fertility Point will assist you through the complex process and will guide you towards a successful result.




Knowing the most common type of problem linked with male infertility is essential in the facilitation of solving many problems inflicting various couples in these modern days. Low sperm count is still the most common problem but, with a proper diagnosis and tailored-made treatment, hope will be present in the coming future. At Fertility Point, our mission is to give the best care through expert Male Infertility Treatment in Kenya, customized according to the patient's needs.


If you or your partner are facing infertility challenges, we invite you to reach out to us at Fertility Point. Let our compassionate team support you on your path to parenthood with expert care, personalized treatment, and a commitment to your success every step of the way. Your journey to building a family starts here.