Family Balancing

Family Balancing

Family Balancing Services in Kenya


We understand that family planning is a deeply personal journey. We strive to provide comprehensive and compassionate support to couples and individuals who seek to have control over the gender of their future child. Our dedicated team of fertility experts and reproductive specialists are committed to offering the highest level of care and expertise in the field of Family Balancing through IVF (In Vitro Fertilization).


What is Family Balancing?


Family Balancing, also known as sex selection, is a process that allows individuals or couples to choose the gender of their child before conception. This advanced reproductive technology is achieved through the combination of assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).


How Does Family Balancing Work?


Consultation and Evaluation: Our experienced fertility specialists will conduct a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, desires, and medical history. This evaluation will help us determine if Family Balancing is an appropriate option for you.


IVF Process: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the primary technique used for Family Balancing. It involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved for fertilization. The eggs are fertilized with sperm in our state-of-the-art laboratory to create embryos.


Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): After fertilization, the embryos undergo preimplantation genetic testing. This process involves the removal of a few cells from each embryo, which are then analyzed to determine their genetic makeup, including their gender. PGT allows us to select embryos of the desired gender for transfer.


Embryo Transfer: Once the gender of the embryos has been determined, the chosen embryos are transferred into the uterus. This procedure is minimally invasive and typically does not require anesthesia.


Pregnancy and Beyond: After the embryo transfer, we provide ongoing support and monitoring to optimize the chances of a successful pregnancy. Our team remains dedicated to your care throughout the entire process.


Ethical Considerations and Counseling:


We understand that Family Balancing is a sensitive topic and may raise ethical questions. Our clinic strictly adheres to established guidelines and ethical standards in providing Family Balancing services. We believe in offering comprehensive counseling to individuals and couples, ensuring that they fully understand the implications, risks, and benefits associated with Family Balancing.


Why Choose Our IVF Clinic for Family Balancing?


Expertise and Experience: Our fertility specialists are leaders in the field of assisted reproductive technology, with years of experience in Family Balancing and IVF. We utilize the most advanced techniques and technologies to maximize the chances of success.


Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual and couple has unique needs and desires. Our team provides personalized care, tailored to your specific circumstances, ensuring that you receive the support and guidance you need throughout your journey.


State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and world-class laboratory facilities, enabling us to provide the highest standard of care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.


Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional challenges that can accompany the Family Balancing process. Our team is committed to providing compassionate support, addressing your concerns, and helping you navigate this transformative journey.


Take the Next Step:


If you are considering Family Balancing through IVF or have any questions, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our fertility specialists. Together, we can explore your options and determine the best approach to fulfill your family planning goals. We are honored to be a part of your journey towards creating the family you desire. Contact us today to take the next step.

Book Appointment


Your IVF journey begins here

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Dr. Rajesh Chaudhary

IVF Specialist. MBBS, MD (OBGY/GYN,Gold Medallist), FGMIS, FRM, FMF-UK certified NT practitioner.

Dr. Rajesh has Excellence, Experience & Expertise in Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Reproductive medicine and Expertise in IVF/Infertility care with over 10 years of experience in IVF. He has handled over 5,000 IVF cases to date. He is a Gynaecologist endoscopic surgeon with special interest in fertility enhancing endoscopic procedure. He has worked in India and Nepal and is now the IVF Specialist at Fertility Point Kenya.

Dr. Shaunak Khandwala

Director Clinical Services and Consultant

Dr. Shaunak Khandwala is a seasoned Consultant IVF Specialist with over 30 years of experience. He holds a robust educational background, including a MBBS from KEM Hospital and Seth G.S. Medical College, University of Bombay, and specialized training in Medical Ultrasound from prestigious institutions. Specializing in Assisted Reproduction and IVF procedures, Dr. Shaunak Khandwala holds a keen interest in training and establishing IVF units. He has played a pivotal role in expanding IVF services through the setup of chain clinics.

Advanced IVF lab with the Latest Technologies

Fertility Point's state-of-the-art IVF laboratory is equipped with the most advanced and innovative technologies that ensure quality care and achieve high success rates.

Our lab features the latest cutting-edge technologies including the time-lapse incubator to capture images of embryos developing, in a safe and controlled environment. These images from high-tech incubators enable embryologists to evaluate embryos for better prediction of future developmental and implantation potential.

We have introduced standard operating procedures in our IVF lab to ensure that we meet high-quality standards and laboratory protocols.

Our lab has a robust quality management system and processes in place to more efficiently help infertile couples in their quest to have a healthy baby.

IVF at your convenience

At Fertility Point, we consider every aspect of your journey to achieve your dream of parenthood. Our aim is to assess your needs accurately and offer a personalized treatment plan guiding you through every step of your fertility journey. Our IVF centre gives couples the opportunity to undergo infertility treatment in an international clinical setting, setting, fertility treatment at their own convenience, and most importantly without any waiting period.

With the Fertility Point team, you can be assured of world-class reproductive care, underlined by a sincere commitment to your overallВ well-being.